In this podcast Wendy Tyler- Batt discusses with Deb Gompertz, a GP in Somerset, her "Show Me Your Meds" project.

The biggest waste of medication is those prescribed which are never used

Deb Gompertz is a GP with an extended role in complex care and frailty for the last 8 years. Deb works within a Primary Care Network in Somerset, and across organisations such as community, primary and secondary care. She focuses on person centred care and holistic reviews which obviously includes medication. Deb developed the "Show Me Your Meds" project  which has grown from local, to county wide. Deb is also the Deputy Honorary Secretary of the British Geriatrics Society and is an NHSE clinical entrepreneur.

Further reading;

Joining the Dots: A blueprint for preventing and managing frailty in older people - British Geriatrics Society (

Lost in translation- British Geriatrics Society (

BGS Green Issues: Show me your meds, please

polypharmacy, deprescribing, medicine waste

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