Luvjit Kandula
PCPA National Community Pharmacy Integration lead and Director of Pharmacy Transformation/Chief Officer
Specialist Advisor APPG Diabetes, Community Pharmacy Integration Lead – PCPA Community Pharmacy Group.Greater Manchester Local Pharmaceutical Committee
Luvjit is a qualified pharmacist who currently works as Director of Pharmacy Transformation and Chief Officer of Greater Manchester LPC.She was previously the Head of LPC engagement and Collaboration at PSNC, Chief Officer of Leicestershire and Rutland Local Pharmaceutical Committee and has also been seconded to NHS Digital to support digitising medicines and Pharmacy.
Her role involves advancing community pharmacy in the local NHS whilst representing Community Pharmacists interests through integration. Luvjit has extensive experience working as a Community Pharmacist also having worked in hospital pharmacy and industry both in the UK and abroad. Previous roles include Head of Pharmacy Services, Head of the Pre-registration Training Programmes and also Chairing Warwickshire Local Pharmaceutical Committee.

Dr Anna Murphy
PCPA Respiratory Specialist Pharmacy Lead and Consultant Respiratory Pharmacist
Dr Anna Murphy is a consultant respiratory pharmacist at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust and honarary visiting professor at DeMontfort University. The clinical aspect of her post offers assessment, medicines optimisation, monitoring and advice to people with respiratory disease, working both in hospital and primary care.

Dr Philip Newland Jones
PCPA Diabetes Specialist Pharmacy Lead and Consultant Pharmacist
Dr Philip Newland-Jones is the lead pharmacist for NHS England Diabetes and Endocrinology Clinical Reference Group, a member of the Diabetes UK professional council. He also sits on the Diabetes Parliamentary Think Tank. He is an editorial board member of ‘Diabetes in Primary Care’ and is a specialist advisor to the CQC for diabetes in secondary and intermediate care services. He was awarded the National Leadership in Pharmacy award by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society in 2015.

Lelly Oboh
PCPA Specialist Pharmacy Chair, SPS Lead and Consultant Pharmacist (care of older people)
Lelly Oboh is a Consultant Pharmacist (care of older people) with over 20 years of experience in community settings within and outside the NHS. She has considerable experience working within general practice and integrated care teams to optimise medicines use as part of routine patient care.
Her leadership role involves championing innovative pharmacy service developments, showcasing and driving uptake at local and national levels. She actively promotes best practice through facilitating effective partnerships between the NHS, Social care, statutory and professional bodies using a whole systems approach to drive change and equip wider workforce to deliver medicines optimisation. She is keen to develop extended roles for pharmacists within integrated care teams for frail older people in community and care home settings and has pioneered a model of “community clinical pharmacy teams”, which has been replicated by other NHS organisations. These models focus on active engagement with older people (carers), developing personalised solutions to improve adherence, better care co-ordination at handover points and improving medicines use in social care settings.

Ade Williams
PCPA Oncology Specialist Pharmacy & Community Pharmacy Lead & Independent Prescriber
Ade is an independent prescriber, leading the multi-award winning Bedminster Pharmacy in Bristol, alongside Public Health and GP roles.His innovative delivery of easily accessible pharmacy-led solutions recognised with accolades like the 2019 NHS Parliamentary Award for Excellence in Primary Care and the GP-Pharmacist of the Year 2019.
He is Pharmacist of the Year 2018 and the Inaugural RPS Patient Champion.He is Pharmacy Ambassador for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Charity and part of the BBC Bristol Radio Morning show team.

Helen Williams
PCPA Cardiovascular Specialist Pharmacy Lead and Consultant Pharmacist
As Consultant Pharmacist for CVD Disease, Helen is involved in a wide range of activities across South London to improve the care of patients with or at risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Helen chairs the local cardiovascular medicines working group which develops and supports the implementation of consensus evidence-based guidance for use across South London’s 12 clinical commissioning groups and 7 acute trusts, covering a population of 3.6million.
Currently, there is a strong focus on medicines optimisation for long terms conditions such as heart failure, hypertension and atrial fibrillation with the aim of reducing the burden of acute hospital admissions and she has been involved in supporting primary care practitioners through guideline implementation, clinical audit and provision of pharmacist-led virtual clinics. A key focus over recent years has been to increase the proportion of patients with AF who are anticoagulated to reduce the incidence of AF-related stroke and Helen is now focusing on the rollout of mobile ECG devices to improve the detection of AF. Helen is the clinical lead for CVD within two South London CCGs, Clinical Director for AF in the local Health Innovation Network, National Clinical Adviser to the collaborative AF programme of the 15 Academic Health Science Networks across England and also co-chair of the Pan-London stroke prevention in Atrial Fibrillation strategy group. In addition, Helen is an editorial board member for the British Journal of Cardiology and the Journal of Medicines Optimisation, has worked with NICE on the development of a number of cardiovascular guidelines and is a member of the NHS England Primary Care Cardiovascular Leadership Forum and the London Cardiovascular and Stroke Strategic Clinical Leadership Groups.

Sarah Baig
PCPA Academy Education Lead & Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy
Sarah is a lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy in the School of Pharmacy, and the Independent Prescribing course Director at the University of Birmingham.
Her interests are in diabetes and renal medicine, and how better prescribing can improve patient lives, both through her own practice and through her educational work on the University of Birmingham’s multi-professional independent prescribing programme.
Sarah is also a registered prescribing pharmacist and works as the Professional Governance and Development lead at Dudley Integrated Health NHS Foundation Trust.