Abbie Stirling
PCPA Pharmacy Technician Lead - Lead Pharmacy Technician PCN
Abbie Is a PCN Pharmacy Technician based in Wirral, Merseyside, taking up post in May 2020 following a successful HEE funded trial post for 1 year. Abbie runs face to face clinics with patients to review hypertension, AF and inhaler technique reviews and is also trained in phlebotomy.
Abbie is also part of an Integrated Service with the local hospital trust, providing a unique perspective on how to improve medicines safety for patients in Primary care.
Abbie has been recognised nationally by the SPS, MHRA and Regional Medicines safety officers and Chief NHSE Pharmacist David Webb for her work to improve safety around valproate in female patients and ensuring annual risk forms are completed for every patient in her PCN. efore moving to GP practice, she worked in secondary care for 8 years and 6 years within community pharmacy.

Laura Butroid
PCPA Pharmacy Technician Ambassador - Lead Pharmacy Technician

Emma Smith
PCPA Pharmacy Technician Ambassador - Lead Pharmacy Technician

Jemma-Rose Whittam
PCPA Pharmacy Technician Ambassador - Pharmacy Technician