Sue Alldred

Regional Vice President - North East and Senior Practice Pharmacist

Sue has worked as senior practice pharmacist at Colton Mill Medical Centre in Leeds since 2015. She is also Head of Clinical Pharmacy for South and East Leeds GP Group where she supports and employs clinical pharmacists and technicians on behalf of their member practices and PCNs. She is a HEE GP pharmacy ambassador for Yorkshire and leads the successful Leeds GP pharmacy network. She qualified from Nottingham University in 1996 and initially worked in hospital pharmacy, specialising in rheumatology, care of the elderly, neurology and education and training. In 2013 she became Care Homes pharmacist for Leeds South and East CCG, followed by medicines optimisation team leader and subsequently acting head of medicines optimisation. Sue completed a diploma in clinical pharmacy in 2000 at the University of Bradford and became a non-medical prescriber in 2011 initially specialising in neurology. She is currently studying for a postgraduate certificate in clinical examination at the University of Leeds.

Gareth Malson

Regional Vice President - North West and Practice Pharmacist

Gareth has been a GP practice pharmacist on the Wirral since 2016 and is the author of the PCPA's Medicines Matters publication. He specialises in anticoagulation and cardiovascular condition management. He has also been seconded by NHS England, on a part time basis, for 12 months to help promote the employment of pharmacists within general practice across Cheshire and Merseyside.

Laura Buckley

Regional Ambassador - North East and Primary Care Network Pharmacist

Laura is a Primary Care Network Pharmacist based in Hull, taking up the post in December 2019. She runs clinics for Structured Medication Reviews as part of her role and has more recently been involved with work for care homes patients. Laura continues to work as a locum in community pharmacy alongside her PCN work. Before moving into GP practices, she worked as a community pharmacy manager and has a keen interest in progress for the pharmacy sector. She is part of cohort two studying on the Primary Care Pharmacy Education Pathway (CPPE) and spends a lot of her spare time freelance writing about key issues in healthcare and running her own blog about her experiences as a pharmacist.

Kayleigh Davison

Regional Ambassador - North East & Lead Senior Advanced Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner

I currently work as Lead Senior Advanced Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner.I am also a visiting Lecturer at Newcastle University and work for CPPE intermittently as Expert Speaker/ Clinical Demonstrator on the PCPEP.

My original area of prescribing practice is acute general practice; however, my speciality is multimorbidity with polypharmacy and elderly care (prev. developed elderly care medicines management postgraduate programme for nurses at University of Sunderland when in previous job there).  I am an ALS facilitator on the national polypharmacy programme and developing the local AHSN polypharmacy rollout programme with the regional team.  

I am also on the steering group for two communities of practice; Lead primary care pharmacists northern ICB and polypharmacy NENC. I have undertaken research via NPA funding focused on the changing primary care pharmacist workforce and the CHEMIST trial with York university.

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