James Hipperson
Advanced Pharmacist Practitioner, Independent Prescriber and Partner
Jimmy is an Advanced Pharmacist Practitioner and Independent Prescriber and Partner at Lawson Road Surgery in Norwich where he acts as the prescribing, finance, CQC and QOF lead as well as Senior Information Risk Owner. He is also Deputy Clinical Director for Norwich North PCN and a Freedom to Speak Up Guardian. He has a background in primary and secondary care, electronic prescribing implementation and has an active interest in deprescribing. He has daily structured medication review clinics focusing on multimorbidity and polypharmacy and reducing dependence forming medications. He also prescribes and monitors OST via shared care having completed a Certificate in the Management of Drug Misuse Part 1 (RCGP Accredited). He also participates in research at the practice and is involved in teaching pharmacy students, preparing for medicine work experience students and Year 3,4 and 5 medical students.